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Mayfair Personal Trainer Explains: Running or Strength Training for Fast Weight Loss

The debate between running and strength training has been ongoing for years regarding which is more effective for weight and fat loss. Both can be very effective in helping individuals lose weight if done correctly with the right training methods. In this article, I’ll explain how and why running and strength training are perfect when combined for weight loss.

Strength Training

Strength training is great for building muscle, increasing bone density, and changing body composition over time. To lose fat, you must first get your nutrition right, and then start strength training because it’s the best way to convert fat into muscle without exhausting yourself with hours of cardio. Strength training helps build type 2 muscle fibers, which burn more calories at rest, increases your metabolism, and prevents injuries, reducing the risk of falls.
Strength training will massively increase your quality of life by helping you perform daily activities with ease, like lifting and moving boxes or hiking, and it will also improve your posture. The more strength training you do, the leaner muscle mass you’ll have and the less body fat you’ll carry if you’re eating healthy meals. Combining running and strength training is best because you get the benefits of both muscular and cardiovascular training.


Running is considered by many to be the best form of a weight loss program, but scientifically, it has been proven that running only helps you burn calories during your run. Often, people consume more calories afterward than they burned, which is not ideal for fat loss. Running is great for building cardiovascular endurance and maintaining heart health, but it’s not the best option for weight loss on its own.
marylebone personal trainer


I advise doing strength training twice a week and running one to two times a week, along with stretching or yoga. This combination will help you build an attractive physique and maintain a healthy body and mind.

Will Duru

Level 4 Qualified Personal Training Coach Sports & Exercise Science BSc (Hons)

Disclaimer: The ideas in this blog post are not medical advice. They shouldn’t be used for diagnosing, treating, or preventing any health problems. Always check with your doctor before changing your diet, sleep habits, daily activities, or exercise. WILL POWER FITNESS isn’t responsible for any injuries or harm from the suggestions, opinions, or tips in this article.

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